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3920C2B Filtek Ultimate Syringe C2B 4g - 1pc

Product id: 00082

Manufacturer: 3M East AG


Univerzalni materijal za restauracije. Zahvaljujući nanotehnologiji, Filtek Ultimate kombinira izvrsne značajke hibridnog kompozita i vrhunsku estetiku mikropunjenog kompozita.

• Izravne anteriorne ili posteriorne restauracije (I. II. III. IV. i V. razreda)
• Minimalno invazivno liječenje zuba (MID)
• Slojevita tehnika 'sandwich' sa staklenoionomerom
• Nadogradnja kvržice
• Nadogradnja krune zuba
• Izrada splintova
• Neizravne restauracije

Pakiranje: štrcaljka 4 g

Available in the following variants

Product id Product name Price without VAT Quantity Shopping cart
00060 3920B1E Filtek Ultimate Syringe B1E 4g - 1pc
00061 3920C3B Filtek Ultimate C3B a 4gr - 1pc
00063 3920A1B Filtek Ultimate Syringe A1B 4g - 1pc
00064 3920A1D Filtek Ultimate Syringe A1D 4g - 1pc
00065 3920A1E Filtek Ultimate Syringe A1E 4g - 1pc
00066 3920A2B Filtek Ultimate Syringe A2B 4g - 1pc
00067 3920A2D Filtek Ultimate Syringe A2D 4g - 1pc
00068 3920A2E Filtek Ultimate Syringe A2E 4g - 1pc
00069 3920A3,5B Filtek Ultimate Syringe A3,5B 4g - 1pc
00070 3920A3B Filtek Ultimate Syringe A3B 4g - 1pc
00071 3920A3D Filtek Ultimate Syringe A3D 4g - 1pc
00072 3920A3E Filtek Ultimate Syringe A3E 4g - 1pc
00073 3920A4B Filtek Ultimate Syringe A4B 4g - 1pc
00074 3920A4D Filtek Ultimate Syringe A4D 4g - 1pc
00075 3920AT Filtek Ultimate Syringe AT 4g - 1pc
00076 3920B1B Filtek Ultimate Syringe B1B 4g - 1pc
00077 3920B2B Filtek Ultimate Syringe B2B 4g - 1pc
00078 3920B2E Filtek Ultimate Syringe B2E 4g - 1pc
00079 3920B3B Filtek Ultimate Syringe B3B 4g - 1pc
00080 3920B3D Filtek Ultimate Syringe B3D 4g - 1pc
00081 3920C1B Filtek Ultimate Syringe C1B 4g - 1pc
00082 3920C2B Filtek Ultimate Syringe C2B 4g - 1pc
00083 3920C2E Filtek Ultimate Syringe C2E 4g - 1pc
00084 3920C4D Filtek Ultimate Syringe C4D 4g - 1pc
00085 3920D2B Filtek Ultimate Syringe D2B 4g - 1pc
00086 3920D2E Filtek Ultimate Syringe D2E 4g - 1pc
00087 3920P Filtek Ultimate Proffessional 3920P - 1pc
00088 3920WE Filtek Ultimate Syringe WE 4g - 1pc
00089 3920YT Filtek Ultimate Syringe YT 4g - 1pc

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